Technical Panel: Fiscal Reporting SWP & Perkins

Technical Panel: Fiscal Reporting for SWP and Perkins Originally presented at the CCCAOE Fall 2022 conference, this recording of the repeat performance of the technical panel covers fiscal reporting for Strong Workforce Program and Perkins funds. Link to Slides Links included in the presentation SWP G/L Template SWP Report NOVA Sandbox Perkins Template

BACCC Memo: Bay Region Q2 FY21-22 SWP NOVA Fiscal Reporting Updates and Multi-College Projects NOVA Reporting Schedule

Dear SWP Primary Contact, In anticipation of a busy February, we want to give you as much notice as possible about the following time-sensitive topics: Fiscal Report Deadlines and Tools Round 6 Timeline Update  Fiscal Reporting for Multi-College Projects New Process for Submitting Invoices for Reimbursement Fiscal Report Deadlines and Tools The deadline for submission of […]

K12 SWP Fiscal Reporting

K12 SWP Fiscal Reporting Q2 FY2024-25 (Jul-Dec) Fiscal Reports Due Feb. 28, 2025 In this “How To” video the makers of NOVA, ProductOps, present how to complete K12 SWP Fiscal Reporting in the NOVA platform. Notes:  Even though you budget by fiscal year, and you track your expenditures by fiscal year, NOVA reporting is cumulative, […]