BACCC Memo: Bay Region Q2 FY21-22 SWP NOVA Fiscal Reporting Updates and Multi-College Projects NOVA Reporting Schedule
Dear SWP Primary Contact, In anticipation of a busy February, we want to give you as much notice as possible about the following time-sensitive topics: Fiscal Report Deadlines and Tools Round 6 Timeline Update Fiscal Reporting for Multi-College Projects New Process for Submitting Invoices for Reimbursement Fiscal Report Deadlines and Tools The deadline for submission of […]
Webinar: K12 SWP Fiscal Reporting 01-26-22

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 3:00pm, the BACCC hosted a webinar for Bay Area K12 Grantees that covered fiscal reporting topics, deadlines and working in NOVA. There was also a Q&A live during the meeting.