CO Memo: Strong Workforce Program R9 (2024-25) Allocations Released
The Chancellor’s Office release the Round 9 (2024-25) Allocations memos. The Bay Area regional direct-to college calculated allocations can be found here.
CO Memo: K12 SWP Round 6 (23-24) Request For Applications Released 8-25-23
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (Chancellor’s Office), in partnership with the California Department of Education (CDE), is pleased to announce the release of the Request for Applications for K12 Strong Workforce Program (K12 SWP). Beginning in 2018-2019, Education Code §§ 88827 establishes the K12 component of the Strong Workforce Program appropriating $150,000,000 in annual, […]
CO Memo: Round 8 (23-24) SWP Allocations Released 8-15-23
CO Memo: Round 5 (22-23) K12 SWP Intent to Award 1-9-23
CO Memo: Round 5 (22-23) K12 SWP Intent to Award 01-09-23
CO Memo: Round 7 (22-23) Incentive Fund Allocations Released 9-30-22
CO Memo: Round 7 (22-23) Incentive Fund Allocations 17% 09-30-22
CO Memo: SWP Round 7 (22-23) Base Allocations Released 9-20-22
CO Memo: SWP Round 7 (22-23) Base Allocations Release 9-20-22
CO Memo: K12 SWP Round 5 (22-23) Request For Applications Released 8-26-22
CO Memo: K12 SWP Reporting Timelines Extended 1-28-21
CO Press Release 01-24-22
California Community Colleges’ Immense Economic and Social Benefits Highlighted in New Study Community College System Supports 1.5 million California Jobs; Increases Students’ Earnings SACRAMENTO, Calif. —California’s community colleges generate $128.2 billion in economic activity, an amount equal to approximately 4.2% of California’s total gross state product, according to a new study that examined a wide range […]