RVPA 8/29 RJV Kickoff

The Regional Virtual Production Academy (RVPA) had its official kickoff at 4:30pm on August 29th 2022 with a hybrid event hosted at Laney College’s very own the Bistro restaurant, where students hone their culinary skills in a realtime environment. The recorded streaming of the event can be viewed by clicking here, along with the event agenda and PPT presentation.

RVPA is a round 7 regionally funded project that aims to develop a model curriculum that provides the framework for creating programs delivered in collaboration by the participating college. This framework will be divided into the following steps:

Phase 1: Project Kickoff and Implementation Plan
Phase 2: Curriculum Design and Approval
Phase 3: Curriculum Implementation
Phase 4: Outreach & Promotion
Phase 5: VP Curriculum Pilot and Evaluation
Phase 6: Academy Opening
Phase 7: Baccalaureate Application

The meeting was led with an opening by Laney College President Becky Opsata. Representatives from a number of the community colleges participating in the project have highlighted the importance and demand for virtual production career pathways which has been met with enthusiastic support of the Consortium. The main section of the event was a discussion of the activities that will be carried out during the duration of this projects. 

Keep updated with the RVPA project by subscribing to the newsletter on the project’s webpage or connecting directly to our project lead Olivia Herriford via email to Olivia@baccc.net.