Fortinet Network Security Expert Training Program

The Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) program is an eight-level training and certification program that is designed to provide interested technical professionals with an independent validation of their network security skills and experience. The NSE program includes a wide range of self-paced and instructor-led courses, as well as practical, experiential exercises that demonstrate mastery of […]
Bay Area Cyber League April 2022 Newsletter

Check out the latest news from the Bay Area Cyber League!
2022 Q2 ICT-DM Newsletter

The BACCC’s ICT Digital Media Team extends its appreciation to all of our partners and stakeholders (ICT-DM program faculty and administrators, employers, industry partners, community-based organizations, and especially our students). Without your collaboration and participation in our work, we wouldn’t have these exciting outcomes and promising opportunities to report. The BayICT Partnership is modeling collaboration […]
Industry Partner Spotlight: Love Never Fails

Love is that which holds us together. Love is that which liberates us all. – Maya Angelou Vanessa Russell founded Love Never Fails in December 2011 after she learned a teenager in her dance class was a victim of human trafficking in the SF Bay Area. Love Never Fails (LNF) is a non-profit dedicated to […]
ICT-DM Student Spotlight: Elizabeth Hadik-Barkoczy

In June of 2020, when Elizabeth was 58 years old, she was diagnosed with cancer — right after the pandemic began. She was forced to slow down and reevaluate every aspect of her life. Being forced to stay at home and needing a way to distract herself, Elizabeth took that opportunity to go back to […]
BayICT Q1 2022 Report

The BayICT Partnership convened its 6th meeting on March 10, 2022, with the theme, “How to Use the BayICT Partnership”. Meeting objectives were to:– Share how partners are leveraging the BayICT Partnership– Summary of the programs and/or activities in which they’ve engaged with BayICTProvide feedback on the experience, Is there more we can do together? […]
ICT-DM Student Spotlight: Veronica Plante

Veronica Plante grew up and was homeschooled in the South Bay. V had an early interest in the fine arts, but they knew then that the liberal arts career path was limited. The arts, media, and entertainment pathway sparked V’s creative curiosity and they began taking dual-enrollment animation classes at Cañada College at 15. That […]
BayICT Q4 2021 Report

ICT-DM Student Spotlight: Juan Soberanes

After attending North Western Preparatory school in San Bernardino Juan was appointed to the United States Air Force Academy in 2018. But after less than a year, he decided he’d had enough of the military. He wanted a change, but wasn’t sure what, and instead of going back home to Southern California, moved to Santa […]