The Chancellor’s Office January 13, 2022 memo provided the long awaited distribution of the SWP Round 6 augmentation and a welcome extension of the expenditure deadline from 6/30/23 to 12/31/23. The memo provides the allocation of Local SWP funds to each college and Regional SWP funds to the region as a whole. In accordance with the policy adopted by our colleges we have distributed 82.5% of the regional fund augmentation to our 17 districts in the same proportion as the local funds. Multi-college districts have been asked to either confirm that they wish to distribute the augmentation to their colleges in the same proportions as the original R6 allocation or to specify a new distribution in the Multi-College District Augmentation R6 tool.
The Direct-to-College allocations are available at Bay Area CC SWP Regional Allocations PUBLIC. You will find the original base and incentive allocations along with the augmentation and the total Round 6 Regional Direct-to-College allocation. Backup detail is available in the adjacent sheet, labeled Backup Detail for Allocations Yr 6, 21-22.
Cost Sharing RJVs
In accordance with the vote on Round 6 RJVs, the costs of the 3 RJVs below are shared with the participating colleges. Colleges identified as participating will have their share of the cost deducted from their Regional Direct-to-College unless they opt out by Wednesday, February 2, 2022. Please review the list at RJV Cost Sharing and confirm the status of your college’s participation in cost sharing.
Cost Share per College | |
#RJV6 Bay Area Summer CyberCamps (College Credit/NonCredit)Cabrillo, Canada, CCSF, Chabot, Contra Costa, CSM, De Anza, DVC, EVC, Foothill, Gavilan, Hartnell, Las Positas, Marin, Merritt, MPC,Napa Valley, Ohlone, San Jose City, Solano, SRJC | $10,000 |
Netlab – Regional Private Cloud #RJV6 Alameda, Cabrillo, Chabot, CCSF, Contra Costa, De Anza, Diablo Valley, Evergreen Valley, Foothill, Gavilan, Hartnell, Laney, Las Positas, Los Medanos, Marin, Merritt, Mission, Monterey Peninsula, Napa Valley, Ohlone, San Jose City, San Mateo, Santa Rosa, Skyline, Solano | $10,000 |
Nurse Educators – Building our OwnCabrillo, CCSF, Chabot, Contra Costa, DeAnza, Evergreen, Gavilan, Hartnell, Los Medanos, Marin, Merritt, MIssion, MPC, Napa, Ohlone, San Mateo, Santa Rosa, Solano | $8,333 |
Second Round of R6 RJVs
The R6 augmentation added $446,296 to our RJV Fund. The Regional Priorities Committee will be meeting next week to determine the schedule and process for allocating these funds.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at with any questions, or if we can help in any way.