November Tech Talk Series (11/16)

November Tech Talk Series (11/16)

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We’ll be exploring Virtual Production during November’s Tech Talk

45-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A session

The Regional Virtual Production Academy (RVPA) embarked on a groundbreaking journey that not only pushes the boundaries of technology but also underscores the importance of collaborative academic-industry research in shaping the future of education. While community colleges may not traditionally engage in extensive research activities, the unique curriculum and goals of RVPA make this collaborative approach not just important but critical. 

The Real-World Sports Edge Accelerator project gave the RVPA access to a real-world industry-driven innovation ecosystem, fostering an environment where ideas can flourish and where academia and industry can learn from each other. The benefits of applied learning through an innovative real-world interdisciplinary approach will prepare the RVPA students for real-world challenges in careers driven by technology and innovation.

Join us for a Tech Talk with the team that made this possible!

No registration is required.

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Azimuth Wright (intern)

Hello, My name is Azimuth Wright and I’m currently working towards an associates in Game Design and a certificate in Virtual Production at Diablo Valley College. I am currently working under Kevin Leeper as a Virtual Production Intern on many projects including the RVPA and MOVRS. Coming from a game design background transitioning into virtual production was seamless, working in the same engine just with different learning goals. This program is the first time I’ve felt I’m right where I need to be and I’m very excited to see where it leads.

Justin Mead (intern)

My name is Justin Mead and I am a Bay Area resident. I’m currently pursuing a certificate in virtual production at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill. I am also currently a member of the RVPA internship program. So far, I have been crucial to bringing the Real-Time XR Sport Edge project to life. Previously, I was a sound technician for various musical theatre productions in San Francisco. Those skills combined with my work towards an associates degree in computer science proved to be a very beneficial starting place for my career in virtual production. I am very excited to continue learning more about the ins and outs of virtual production. 

Kevin Leeper (RVPA technical Lead)

Hi, my name is Kevin Leeper, I am lead professor of 3D Modeling, Animation and Game Design at Diablo Valley College. I have been teaching 3D curriculum for over 20 years. I have lived and worked in San Francisco and in the surrounding Bay Area for over 30 years. I have worked in theater, amusement technologies, and production studios as a designer and fabricator in various media. I am proud of my part in the creation of the Tenderloin National Forest by designing and building the Cohen Alley Gate. I am passionate about working with collaborative innovative individuals in creative environments. 

Currently I am teaching 3D Animation, Modeling and Visual Effect courses. I am lead of our Virtual Production studio operations, the studio is an educational research lab, operated by faculty and student interns. In this lab we are currently working on Virtual Production, motion capture, ICVFX. We recently collaborated with the Real-Time XR Sport Edge, an IBC incubator project. Also I am the technical lead for the Regional Virtual Production Academy. The RVPA is a six college collaborative offering a certificate and degree in Virtual Production. I will be on sabbatical Spring 2023 where I will be studying how to implement new technologies and instructional methodologies into our curriculum. My current personal interests  include Real-Time AI integrations, NERF, 3D Gaussian Splatting, VP Production optimization.

Joann Denning (Moderator: Department chair of Art Digital Media and Film Television at DVC)

I am the current department chair for Art Digital Media and Film Television at Diablo Valley College. I have been teaching at DVC in the Art Digital Media program for over 15 years. I am also the 

Faculty lead for the Bay Area Regional Virtual Production Academy and Co-Chair Real Time Society Education Special Interest Group. 

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Date And Time

2023-11-16 @ 06:00 PM to
2023-11-16 @ 07:00 PM


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