

Interest had been coming up across the region for a number of years before regional marketing was finally written into the region's SB 1070 work plan with funds dedicated to it. The region has benefitted from passionate regional marketing Leads (Andrea Vizenor, Eva Denise Jennings, Janine Kaiser, and Sharon Turner) working closely with Tim Leong, as well as the other PIOs, to spearhead this work. CTE Enhancement Fund, DSN grant funding, and most recently Strong Workforce Program funds made it possible via an RFA process to secure professional marketing support from MeringCarson, which in turn led to the Learn By Doing Campaign, ultimately picked up by the Chancellor's Office Statewide Marketing & Rebranding effort. Given the opportunity for ongoing investments in this area, BACCC teamed up with the marketing Leads to put in place a more formal regional marketing governance structure. The email above summarizes outcomes from the first meeting of the newly formed governing group. Archived meeting information can be found here. Regional Marketing updates and links to related collateral can be found here.

Upcoming Meetings Calls

Monday, August 20, 2018, Regional Marketing Governing Group Biweekly Call, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Click HERE to join the webinar, Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll), Meeting ID: 650 560 9798, Agenda Forthcoming

Previous Meetings/Calls

Monday, August 6, 2018, Regional Marketing Governing Group Biweekly Call, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Click HERE to join the webinar, Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll), Meeting ID: 650 560 9798, Agenda

Tuesday, July 17, 2018, Regional Marketing Governance Group Kick-Off, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, CLPCCD, 7600 Dublin Blvd. Dublin, 94568

Meeting Materials: 

  • 6 of the 10 member Regional Marketing Governance Group were in attendance
  • We clarified that the initial purview of this group is to a craft a 3rd Round Strong Workforce Program regional marketing investment recommendation for an anticipated vote by the region in late fall
  • The group opted to hold off on a one-time survey of students attempting to determine if the marketing campaign is having an impact. Ultimately it was decided we would be better served by building a longer-term more integrated plan for measuring outcomes into the 3rd Round SWP regional marketing recommendation (e.g., exploration of adding a question to the CTE Employment Outcomes Survey, or tying this to Perkins survey's on campuses that some colleges complete at the beginning of every semester) 
  • Prior to moving into an initial visioning discussion, the group quickly identified "landscape changers" that have come up since the onset of the regional marketing campaign that may have important implications for the 3rd round recommendation: AB 705, Non-Credit, the new funding formula, the 115th online college, the Vision for Success, College Promise and Guided Pathways
  • A quick pass at a vision for the regional marketing campaign yielded both high-level goals and possible tactical activities to achieve those goals. Notes can be found here. We will build on them on an upcoming call
Next Steps
  • Given we need to have a finalized 3rd round recommendation by late fall, the group agreed biweekly calls coupled with the previously agreed upon quarterly PIO / Marketing staff meetings are necessary
  • The group landed on a standing Monday afternoon call every 2 weeks. As such, please save-the-date and RSVP by populating this link:Monday, August 6, 2018, 1:00-2:00PM, a recurring calendar invite will follow
  • Lastly, we discussed the best dates for the agreed upon September PIO / Marketing staff quarterly meetings. These meetings will be held sub-regionally and an email will follow shortly polling for availability and host locations
On behalf of BACCC and the marketing leads (Andrea Vizenor, Eva Denise Jennings, Janine Kaiser, and Sharon Turner, with leadership from Tim Leong) thank you for your commitment to this important work!


Kit O'Doherty
Director, Bay Area Community College Consortium (BACCC)
(650) 560-9798
